Andy Lewis

Sep 25, 2017 | News

We speak to the newest member of the Bikebox team, paratriathlete Andy Lewis, about how his love of sport got him through his life-changing injury

Hi Andy. How are you today?
I’m good, a bit tired after returning from the Rotterdam World Championships. It was a really tough race in very tough conditions.

Reading through your incredible life story so far, we were immediately struck by your determination. Where does this come from?
I’ve been asked this before and I really don’t know as none of my family are interested in sport. I suppose I just start something and have to finish it to a good standard. I enjoy the training and the journey associated with it but my determination comes from me.

You’ve said that getting your blade in 2012 changed your life dramatically. Can you expand on that?
Getting my blade really has made a difference to me because it gave me the freedom to get back to doing what I love. It has opened many doors and allowed me to gain confidence and do what I am good at.

You were soon running and winning races… but still wanted more. What drew you to triathlons?
I was picked up by a charity called the Arctic One Foundation after they saw me at an event three years ago. I couldn’t swim at that point. They started to give me hints and tips and write a few plans. After that I was just determined to get better and better. It’s not easy to get support when you are new to a sport – asking for companies and people to support me when they don’t know your potential is very hard and at times can be very draining mentally – so their backing has been invaluable.

You’re now part of the GB World Class Performance Programme and compete for GB all over the world. What’s next on the agenda?
I would love to go to the next Paralympics in 2020 and after that start my own business with perhaps a bit of coaching, mentoring and general life coaching for children…

You’ve achieved so much already. What would you say is your proudest moment so far?
I have two moments really: the first would have to be getting my MBE from Prince William – that was very emotional. The second would have to be winning my second world title. I’d had a big bike accident two months prior and worked very hard to get back on track.

Huge thanks to Andy Lewis for talking to us. Follow Andy on Facebook and Twitter