4 Iconic Rides

4 Iconic Rides

From whizzing round a velodrome to tackling one of the toughest sportives on the circuit, here are some ideas to add to your must-ride list Mallorca 312 What is it? “One of the toughest endurance events on the planet,” is the short answer, according...
By triathletes for triathletes: hill climbs

By triathletes for triathletes: hill climbs

In the third of our By Triathletes For Triathletes series, pro triathlete and Bikebox founder Sam Gardner shares his advice on perfecting hill climbs. Manage your effort Slow and steady wins the race. Or, more accurately, even and steady wins the race. Blasting your...
By triathletes for triathletes: transitions

By triathletes for triathletes: transitions

In the second of our By Triathletes For Triathletes series, XTERRA giant Sam Gardner shares his advice on nailing those transitions. Practice makes perfect Take the time to plan how you’re going to transition from one discipline to another then practise it… over...
By triathletes for triathletes: descents

By triathletes for triathletes: descents

The first in our By Triathletes For Triathletes series sees the world’s best off-road triathlete ever, Bikebox’s own Sam Gardner, share tips on how to descend like a winner. Relax Sure, this is easier said than done when you’re flying down a hill at...
101 Benefits Of Cycling That Will Make You Love It More

101 Benefits Of Cycling That Will Make You Love It More

Taking up cycling can be one of the best decisions you’ll make in life. Whether you choose to hop on a bike for health reasons, to help the environment, try a new activity, or even to supplement another sport, cycling is a ton of fun. After some time on the bike, you...